An SSL Certificate also called a Digital Certificate, creates a secure link between a website and visitor's browser. SSL is the backbone of our secure internet and it protects your sensitive information as it travels across the world's computer networks.
SSL is essential for protecting your website, even if it doesn't handle sensitive information like credit cards.
It provides privacy, critical security and data integrity for both your websites and your users' personal information.
Browsers, like Google Chrome, Mozilla, Internet Explorer mark pages without SSL encryption as not secure. This can have a negative effect on the trustworthiness of your website. If you have an SSL certificate, your site's URL will start with the prefix "https" and a green padlock icon will be displayed in the browser bar, showing your visitors your site is secure and their data is safe. Pages that are protected with SSL receive better search engine rankings and are more likely to be trusted by visitors.
If you are just starting out or want to use the SSL certificate in order to secure your personal website or blog, then usually the domain validated SSL (DV) will suffice.
This way, all traffic is encrypted but no further validation is conducted.
DV Certificates are the right solution for simple websites like blogs, personal websites, and simple one-page websites.
Do not use a DV SSL Certificate for eCommerce or other applications which require a higher level of trust.
If you are doing any business online, you should at least use an OV SSL. When you're handling any kind of customer data, organization validation (OV) will make sure that the certificate is really from your organization, and that the domain belongs to you, not a third party.
This helps you to protect your business and customers from phishing websites.
Organization validation is a great way to secure a company website, a forum, or any other website with a login page that does not transfer payment data. Customers' usernames and passwords will be transferred with end-to-end encryption.
If you are an entity with an increased level of trustworthiness, the extended validation certificate can transfer this assurance onto your website. The symbol of this trust is the green address bar in the browser, which comes with the EV SSL.
This is why not only banks and big eCommerce organizations rely on extended validation certificates, but government agencies also use them for secured transactions.
eCommerce websites should rely on the level of trust only an EV Certificate can provide. Only extended verification can guarantee the real origin of a website and the safety of data such as customer information, credit card numbers, and other payment details.
SSL secures the browser connection between visitors and your website with up to 256-bit encryption. This means all transmitted data is protected from third parties attempting to access it.
You want your visitors to feel confident that you are taking measures to protect the information they submit on your website. DigiCert is a global leader in internet security, meaning you have leading SSL security standards at your fingertips.
Users trust websites with a Site Seal to handle their data. The Site Seal is proven to be the most well-recognized symbol for online security, and will increase your customer satisfaction.
You can protect your site against phishing (attempting to gain sensitive data from usernames) with SSL Business/Premium. Not only will our partner DigiCert check that your company owns and has the right to use the domain, but also that your company is registered and in good standing.
Google ranks websites with SSL higher compared to sites without security certification. Professionally validated sites can receive up to 6% higher rankings in search results!
Our SSL certificates are compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices so your visitors and customers know their data is protected and encrypted.
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